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All About pH Balance

All About pH Balance

What is pH? pH stands for potential hydrogen. The pH scale ranges from 0- most acidic to 14-most basic. A pH of 7 is considered neutral. A “normal” vaginal pH level is 3.8 to 4.5, but it can vary. During your reproductive years, your vaginal pH should be below (or equal to) 4.5, while before menstruation and after menopause, a healthy pH may be higher than 4.5 ( The vagina is naturally acidic.

What affects the pH balance?



Using scented products around or inside of the vagina

Tight clothing


Poor dieting

Unprotected sex

Medications (i.e., antibiotics, birth control)

Menstrual cycle


Existing health conditions

Signs your pH is off:

An imbalanced pH can lead to bacterial vaginosis and cause symptoms such as vaginal itching, a fishy odor, burning while urinating, and unusual discharge. An unbalanced pH can also cause swelling and irritation around the vagina and pain or a burning feeling during sex. Ultimately, when your pH is off, your body will let you know. Paying attention to your body and learning what positively and negatively affects your body is key. 

How to balance your pH:

Use Boric Acid Suppositories.

Incorporate probiotics into your diet. Lactobacilli is a “good” bacteria abundant in healthy vaginas. Found in probiotic supplements and naturally occurs in fermented foods (kefir, kimchi, sauerkraut, yogurt)

Take Garlic tablets. They are packed with antioxidants and bacteria-fighting compound allicin.

Use barrier methods when having sex. Condoms prevent alkaline semen from disturbing pH levels.

Have better stress management. Stress can affect your overall health and the health of your vagina. 

Exercise, practice deep breathing, do yoga, listen to relaxing music, play an instrument, etc. Do things that bring you joy. 

Be mindful of how you clean your vulva and vagina. Don’t douche. Avoid fragrant vaginal washes and scented menstrual products. Rinse the area gently with warm water or fragrance-free washes.

Quit smoking. According to research, smokers may be more likely to develop BV.

Be mindful of underwear. Get natural, breathable, absorbent fabrics (cotton), wash underwear with hypoallergenic detergent, sleep with no underwear to prevent moisture buildup, and change during the day if a lot of moisture buildup.

See OB-GYN for regular exams.

NeNe product suggestions for balancing your pH:

Lotus Fresh Extra Loving Fem Wash

Boric Fresh Suppositories 

Yoni Pearl Set


Lotus Oil

Herbal V Suppositories


Intimate Flora Gel

Sacral Balance Tea